Montag, 3. März 2014

Moisture and Animals in your Attic

An attic is a space found directly below the pitched roof of a house or other building. As attics fill the space between the ceiling of the top floor of a building and the slanted roof, they are known for being awkwardly shaped spaces with exposed rafters and difficult-to-access corners. While some attics are converted into bedrooms or home offices, complete with windows and staircases, most attics remain hard to get to and neglected, and are typically used for storage. It is a word ultimately derived from the Attica region around Athens, Greece.

If the attic has blown-in insulation, check the back corners, and the hard-to-see and hard-to-access areas. It is common for these areas to have insulation installed that is too thin. Insulation should be evenly distributed throughout the attic, with the correct density and depth. The knee wall and attic floor in the attic space behind the knee wall should be insulated. Sometimes, string, wire or cardboard is used to hold the insulation in place at the backside of the knee wall.

Another way to insulate this area is to seal and insulate the rafter spaces along the sloping ceiling of the knee wall attic space. The rafters should have proper insulation and ventilation, as required. One advantage of this approach is that, after properly insulating, any ductwork that was in that small space is now inside a conditioned space.

Insulation keeps your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. There are several common types of insulation - fiberglass (in both batt and blown forms), cellulose, rigid foam board, and spray foam. Reflective insulation (or radiant barrier) is another insulating product which can help save energy in hot, sunny climates. When correctly installed with air sealing, each type of insulation can deliver comfort and lower energy bills during the hottest and coldest times of the year.

In the field of human-wildlife conflicts, probably the most common scenario nationwide is the squirrel in the attic. Most people become aware that an animal is living in their attic when they hear scampering, or scratching noises above the ceiling. A wide variety of animals choose to live in the attics of buildings, from rats and mice, bats and pigeons, raccoons, opossums, and of course squirrels. Most of these animals will oftentimes use other areas of the home as well, from the soffits to the wall voids to the space between floors, so the attic is not the only area you'll find critters.

A well-insulated house is a bit like dressing for the weather. A wool sweater will keep you warm if the wind is not blowing and it is not raining. On a windy, rainy day, wearing a nylon shell over your wool sweater helps keep you reasonably dry and warm. A house is similar. On the outside, underneath the brick or siding, there is an air barrier that does the same thing as the nylon - it keeps the wind from blowing through. Then there is the insulation (like your sweater) and a vapour barrier, which helps keep moisture away from the house structure where it can do damage.

A well ventilated roof can help to reduce moisture build-up in the attic space of your home. Controlling excess moisture is the key to preventing and stopping indoor mold growth. Keeping susceptible areas in the home clean and dry is very important. Ventilate or use exhaust fans (to the outdoors) to remove moisture where it accumulates: bathrooms; kitchens; and laundry areas.

When your home is inspected by a Professional Home Inspector they are checking for proper ventilation, presence of moisture, proper insulation, mould, proper structural support and signs of rodent or animal entry. Bat feces or vermiculite insulation removal can run into ten thousand dollars or more for removal. Compared to the cost of hiring the Barrie Home Inspector for $200.00 this is a really cost effective way to protect yourself and ensure Peace of Mind on your next Real Estate purchase.

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